I started my parenting journey at the young age of 20. By God’s goodness and provision, I have
been able to stay home and raise all my children. Our youngest turned five this year, marking a
significant change. For the first time in thirteen years, all four of them would be preparing for
school. I was entering a new season, and a new silence.

The first day of school came, and this silence became so loud it was deafening. It encompassed
me like a heavy blanket. There were no echoes of my children laughing and playing, nobody to
interrupt my laundry folding to show me their latest masterpiece they had just drawn—just quiet.

For the first time in thirteen years, my identity vanished.

So what did I do? My daily routine was shifting away from hours in parenting, to hours in
silence. It was time for me to dig into Scripture and reconnect with who I truly am—grounded in
my identity in Christ.

In Genesis 1:27 we begin to see our identity unfold. God tells us that man was created in His
own image, meaning we are intended to reflect His character no matter what each season
brings. And what about Ephesians 2:10? It tells us that we are His workmanship, created for
good works which God prepared beforehand. Understanding that God knew the seasons to
come before we did allows us to trust Him with them. Consider 1 Peter 2:9, where we are
described as a people of His own possession, chosen and royal. And one of my favorites, 1
Peter 4:10-11 reminds us that God has uniquely gifted each of us to serve one another with the
strength He provides.

These verses serve as beautiful reminders of who God made us to be for His glory, giving us
daily opportunities to live them out practically. One way I incorporated these truths into my life
was by placing verses on sticky notes—on the fridge, by sinks, in the laundry room, and as
reminders on my phone. This practice helped keep my mind focused on God’s purposeful plan
during this quiet season. I also brought all my uncertainties before Him in prayer and learned to
be still in the waiting, setting aside time to spend with Him. Some mornings, I woke earlier than
usual or stayed up past bedtime, creating space to sit alone, pray, and quietly commune with
our God.

As I leaned into Christ, I discovered that my identity, though momentarily overshadowed by life’s changes, was never truly lost. It had always been rooted in Him and was now shining with renewed joy. I began to thrive in the quiet moments, organizing my home more efficiently and preparing dinners earlier so I could bake desserts with my children. God continually reminded me that my identity is found in His love. I reflected on verses like 1 John 4:18, which tells us, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” In this new season, grounding my identity in Christ’s unchanging love and letting go of fear has been transformative. Whether in the chaos of parenting or the quiet moments, I can now confidently say that my identity is anchored in His
steadfast love.

I encourage you this week to reflect on how you can pursue an identity rooted in Christ, whether your current season is full of changes or remains steady. Ask God to reveal how you can stay faithful in this chapter of your life. Spend time being still with Him, listening, and discerning your next faithful step toward the perfect plan He has for your life.