Rooted in Christ: Embracing Identity Beyond Parenthood

I started my parenting journey at the young age of 20. By God’s goodness and provision, I have been able to stay home and raise all my children. Our youngest turned five this year, marking a significant change. For the first time in thirteen years, all four of them would be preparing for school. I…

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A Love That Will Never Leave You

The love a mother has for her child is a special kind of love, isn’t it? As moms, we navigate a wide range of emotions… celebrating joys and victories while also working through disappointments and frustrations. Regardless of which description best labels the season of parenting you’re…

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Nothing is Wasted

In the Gospel of John, there’s a story about a large crowd following Jesus that becomes hungry (hey moms, sound familiar?). A boy appears with two fish and five loaves of bread, and after giving thanks for it, Jesus feeds five thousand people. I’ve always loved this story because it reminds me of…

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Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always

As he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his…

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4 Cultural Myths About Motherhood and What the Bible Says Instead

Life was simpler in decades gone by. Having talked a lot with my mother, grandmother, and other mothers throughout the years, it’s clear that while life is more convenient in many ways today, that convenience hasn’t necessarily made life easier. In the past, mothers relied on their God-given…

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Bunnies, Eggs, and… the Resurrection?

One of the biggest christian holidays of the year is coming up this weekend. Marked with times of prayer, worship, and feasting. No wait, chocolate bunnies, more eggs than anyone could count…and an Easter bunny who laid them? I can see where this could be confusing to our young kids (and other…

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How & Why to Let Your Kids Suffer

We’re lying on the bed, all piled in together listening to the girls tell us about their trip. They giggle and gesture and talk lightning-fast in that way only tween girls can do.  Our two daughters, London and Eve, have just returned to us after two days away— days spent with their best friend and…

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4 Lies Parents and Kids Have to Stop Believing about Sex

Our culture loves to talk to our kids about sex. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of truth in what they’re being told.  From Miley Cyrus to Demi Lovato; kids are being told “Be sexual!” “Make porn!” “Do whatever you want to nurture your true, authentic self!”  Many kids (and a lot of us adults, if…

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3 Critical Truths About Sex to Teach Your Kids

When I put my trust in Christ as a young man, I began addressing my sexual sin and dysfunction for the first time. I brought a lot of baggage into my marriage because of my sexual sin— baggage I hope my kids never have to deal with in their own lives. I’ve also served as a marriage pastor for over…

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