Podcast Episode
What to Expect as First-Time Parents
Being a first-time parent comes with so much joy and excitement, but there are also some hard things to figure out! Join us as we discuss how to prepare spiritually, physically, and emotionally for this new little blessing.
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Podcast Episode
Atomization, Part 2
How do we disciple in light of what atomization is? And, what spheres of life might we train our children to value community instead of individualism? Listen in to hear more!
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Our body is the last line of defense when it comes to stress. We’re so good at pushing through, we go into survival mode. But, at night, the burdens we carry during the day keep us lying awake. We hide our hearts. But, we were made to share our hearts. Notice how Jesus lovingly notices the stress…
Podcast Episode
Atomization, Part 1
This episode is all about individualism and the effects it has on our society. The antidote to this is simple… teaching our kids what it looks like to live in true Christian community. Enjoy!
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Nothing is Wasted
In the Gospel of John, there’s a story about a large crowd following Jesus that becomes hungry (hey moms, sound familiar?). A boy appears with two fish and five loaves of bread, and after giving thanks for it, Jesus feeds five thousand people. I’ve always loved this story because it reminds me of…
Podcast Episode
To Die is Gain
As believers, we don’t need to fear death. When we fear God, we know the One who has defeated death and has promised to raise his own to new life. Join us as we discuss how to teach our kids this very concept.
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Podcast Episode
The Population Bomb Fallacy, Part 2
There are many reasons why couples today decide they don’t want to have kids. Today, we want to counter those concerns with biblical truth and share the many reasons why kids are a blessing!
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Podcast Episode
The Population Bomb Fallacy, Part 1
Children are a blessing! Though sadly, the world doesn’t seem to think so. Population rates are declining with each passing decade because people don’t see the value of having kids anymore. We’re here to help change that narrative!
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Podcast Episode
My Mom and Dad Always…
What memories do you have of your parents? Surely you remember your parent’s habits, whether good or bad, and it might make you think, “what do I want my kids to remember me for?”
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Podcast Episode
Writing Letters to Your Children in Case You Die
We can’t control or predict the future, but we can prepare for it. In this episode, we want to prompt some questions in regard to the legacy that you leave for your kids in case of an untimely death.
Listen below!