Somewhere along the way, as a society we began devaluing the work that happens in the home. Sure, home is the place where we unwind, spend time with family, cook good meals, and enjoy entertainment, but what of the work that happens there? Note, we’re not talking about home improvement or chores.
The work that happens in the home is the best work there is. It is the soul-forming, character forging, gospel-perpetuating work of moment-by-moment discipleship shared between spouses and children. If we are to embrace the awesome call that it is to love and lead our kids toward Christ, we must value the work in the home for what it is: eternal.
Hands to the Plow
What does this work look like? Here are a few ideas.
1. As a person.
For each parent, it is the work of waking up with a life-altering reliance on Christ. Every day brings new opportunities to trust God and turn from our own selfishness and sin. This work is impossible without God’s grace and help in the Holy Spirit. Start there, then proceed with joy and peace.
2. As a spouse.
Next to loving God, the best way you can love your child is by loving your spouse. Every marriage takes mindful, diligent work to remain healthy, but the fruit it bears is worth the effort. We’ve taught on this extensively via @fiercemarriage, but for now, know this: cultivating a healthy marriage is one of the best ways you can love your children well.
3. As a parent.
The parent’s work in the home is nonstop: patient explanation, calm correction, persistent discipleship, purpose-filled prioritization, feeding, cleaning, bathing, instructing and so much more… all of which are much simpler if numbers 1 and 2 are in place.
Fierce parent, God equips those he calls and he has called you to the good work of being a parent. Do it boldly, confidently, and with steadfast faithfulness, because your work is eternally valuable.
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about the author
Ryan Frederick
Ryan is passionate about helping men treasure Christ most and love their families well. He and his wife, Selena, spend their days writing with one simple mission: to point families to Christ. Together they have three wonderful daughters and live in the Pacific Northwest.
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