woman holding baby sitting on green grass field under sunset

Say It With a Smile

How can we keep our hearts soft towards our children and vice versa? We’ve been learning how to say it with a smile. Listen in to hear more! Listen below!

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barefooted baby covering white blanket

Frederick Update: Welcome Home, Sunny!

In the last month we brought home our 4th baby girl, and with that comes so much joy and also a couple tricky things. Join us as we share our latest family update and the real-time life lessons we’re learning along the way! Listen below!

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grayscale photo of woman in black dress holding child in black shirt

Do We Idolize Our Children?

There are many ways that we may unknowingly idolize our children. Join us as we dive deeper into what this functionally looks like and how we can reorient our obedience to the Lord. Listen below!

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four women and one man running together with two dogs on grass field

The ONE Thing I Teach My Daughters about Boys

As a father, one of the things that keeps me awake at night is wondering, praying, and scheming about the kinds of men my daughters will marry. With that said, there is ONE thing I teach them about boys. Listen below!

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woman hiding on balloon

Why Teaching Kids to Live Their Truth is a Terrible Idea

We must teach our kids truth in absolute terms. Urge them to reject the lie that they can construct their own reality. They must live in the reality God made, not one they make. Join us as we discuss why living out God’s truth is the most life-giving thing we can do! Listen below!

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woman holding man and toddler hands during daytime

How to Write a Family Vision Statement

Today we get to talk about one of our favorite things… building and implementing a family vision statement! Listen in as we discuss who you are as a family, why you exist, what you value, and what your mission is. All in light of the gospel. Listen below!

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Why Your Family NEEDS a Mission

A marriage on mission fulfills the Great Commission in ways specific to how God designed marriage to flourish and function. In today’s episode, we are unpacking Genesis 1:28 and seeing all God intends for our mission field. Listen below!

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The Best Way to Say No

What is the heart posture and the purpose behind our “no”? We’d like to contend that there are better ways to say no than others. Listen below!

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boy and girl blowing candles

Should Birthdays be a Big Deal?

We just celebrated our oldest’s birthday and it prompted some great discussion on what it looks like to celebrate our kids in a Godly way. Why do we celebrate and how should we do it? Listen in to find out! Listen below!

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man carrying girl

Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always

As he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his…

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