Parents Who are Becoming

Fathers have a special role to play in the lives of their children (as do mothers!). The ideas, character, habits, and attitudes our kids grow up with are less the result of the words we say to them and more the result of who we are—as parents, yes, but specifically as fathers. Here’s the…

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Gospel-Saturated Parenting

The term "gospel saturated" has a way of making us think a little differently. As parents who want to raise our kids to know God, we will readily admit that the gospel is important as we navigate the various questions and challenges inherent to parenting. But why is the gospel important? And what…

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Seeing vs. *Seeing*

This is just a quick reminder. I needed to hear it, so I decided to jot down a few notes here. I recently read this thought: “Their differences matter, and their differences should shape and mould the the way we seek to introduce them to Jesus.”  –Scott & Cathy Thompson Then…

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