three children playing in the sand at the beach

Atomization, Part 2

How do we disciple in light of what atomization is? And, what spheres of life might we train our children to value community instead of individualism? Listen in to hear more!

Listen below!

person in red sweater holding babys hand

Atomization, Part 1

This episode is all about individualism and the effects it has on our society. The antidote to this is simple… teaching our kids what it looks like to live in true Christian community. Enjoy!

Listen below!

two people wearing brown and grey shoes

To Die is Gain

As believers, we don’t need to fear death. When we fear God, we know the One who has defeated death and has promised to raise his own to new life. Join us as we discuss how to teach our kids this very concept.

Listen below!

a group of people standing on top of a sandy beach

The Population Bomb Fallacy, Part 2

There are many reasons why couples today decide they don’t want to have kids. Today, we want to counter those concerns with biblical truth and share the many reasons why kids are a blessing!

Listen below!

3 women sitting on grass field during sunset

The Population Bomb Fallacy, Part 1

Children are a blessing! Though sadly, the world doesn’t seem to think so. Population rates are declining with each passing decade because people don’t see the value of having kids anymore. We’re here to help change that narrative!

Listen below!

grayscale photo of woman in black dress holding child in black shirt

Do We Idolize Our Children?

There are many ways that we may unknowingly idolize our children. Join us as we dive deeper into what this functionally looks like and how we can reorient our obedience to the Lord.

Listen below!

woman hiding on balloon

Why Teaching Kids to Live Their Truth is a Terrible Idea

We must teach our kids truth in absolute terms. Urge them to reject the lie that they can construct their own reality. They must live in the reality God made, not one they make. Join us as we discuss why living out God’s truth is the most life-giving thing we can do!

Listen below!

boy and girl blowing candles

Should Birthdays be a Big Deal?

We just celebrated our oldest’s birthday and it prompted some great discussion on what it looks like to celebrate our kids in a Godly way. Why do we celebrate and how should we do it? Listen in to find out!

Listen below!

woman in white sleeveless dress sitting beside woman in white sleeveless dress

Love Christ, Love What You Do, and Love Who You Do it With

It’s easy to let the overwhelming nature of parenting rob you of joy, but throughout this episode, we discuss how to find joy and love in the middle of the mundane.

Listen below!