The Best Way to Say No

What is the heart posture and the purpose behind our “no”? We’d like to contend that there are better ways to say no than others.

Listen below!

girl in pink sweatshirt

Part 2: How Can I Teach My Kids the Bible if I Don't Feel Like I Know it Well Enough?

Last week we started a conversation about what to do if you feel like you’re unequipped to teach your kids the Bible. We’re continuing that discussion this week! We hope you join.

Listen below!

person standing on grass field while carrying child

How Can I Teach My Kids the Bible if I Don't Feel Like I Know it Well Enough?

Have you ever found yourself in a position of not feeling fully equipped to answer your kid’s tricky questions about the Bible? You’re not alone! The good news is we don’t have to be theologians to teach our kids scripture.

Listen below!

girl in orange and white striped polo shirt standing on wooden fence during daytime

What is Family Worship and How Do We Do It?

There are many ways to incorporate family worship into our day-to-day lives, and it may be easier to do than you think! Join us as we unpack some ways to worship God as a family inside our home…

Listen below!

man in black t-shirt and brown shorts holding girl in blue and black jacket walking

10 Pieces of Awesomely Terrible Parenting Advice

If you want to be a great parent, listen in to hear some of our awesomely terrible advice… Join us for a little fun, lots of satire, and some antidotes to these terrible pieces of advice.

Listen below!

couple walking barefoot with a child at the garden

Obedience vs. Compliance: 3 Reasons Why Kids Need to Obey Their Parents

All parents want their children to obey, but we’ll often settle for compliance. So what are the differences between obedience and compliance? That’s what we’ll be talking about today…

Listen below!

woman carries child piggy back on blacktop road

The Perils of Loveless Parenting

Today, we take a closer look at the implications of 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 in regards to parenting. Even if we learn all of the right parenting tricks and tips, but have not love, we gain nothing… Join us as we continue unpacking.

Listen below!

2 girls sitting on concrete floor

5 Guiding Principles as You Shepherd Your Child’s Sexuality

In this episode, we want to offer five principles that have helped us as we’ve navigated this tricky terrain. We hope they bless you as you faithfully steward the children God has entrusted to your care!

Listen below!

two women lying on hammock

How much hardship should parents allow their kids to endure?

What role do suffering and hardship play in discipleship? Should parents keep their kids from experiencing tough things?

Listen below!